CadCon Surveying and Town Planning is a company of Sunshine Coast surveyors and town planners that provide town planning and surveying expertise and services in line with the international definition of the functions of a surveyor and the professional skills of qualified Town Planners.
CadCon provides a range of town planning services including Development Applications, Development Project Management, Due Dilligence Reports, Feasibility Analysis, Council & Government Liaison & Negotiation, Subdivision Design and Advertising Devices.
Our office is located in Wrigley Street, Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast and our surveyors and town planners provide services across Queensland. If you have any further questions or need more information about the services that we provide please contact us today.
Browse a few of our town planning services below or contact us to see how we can work together on your next development.
Desktop Site Feasibility Report
Seeking the right town planning advice early is important. It can identify and address issues and improve the quality of your development application, saving you time and money.
Desktop feasibility involves preliminary on-line site investigation, identifying town planning regulations, and site overlays or constraints. This helps highlight development potential and can be carried out prior to potential purchase of a property, or for owners of an existing property.
Due Diligence – Consultant Reports
Prior to commencing a development application it is important to analyse a site, the applicable planning scheme and State Government requirements, to ensure a potential development approval is achievable i.e. that the land and location are suitable for the applicant’s intended purpose. This may involve a site visit, preliminary design work, scheme review and a prelodgement meeting with Council if there are issues identified that are complex and could affect the viability of a development approval.
Development Applications
The Planning Act 2016 regulates development which it defines as carrying out building work, plumbing or drainage work, operational work (e.g. earthworks, other civil construction, landscaping etc.), reconfiguring a lot (e.g. subdivision, boundary realignments etc.) or material change of use (e.g. changing the nature or scale of the use being made of land). These activities may require an application generally made to the relevant Council seeking approval to carry out the specific development to be undertaken on the land before they can commence. A professionally researched and prepared application provides the greatest chance of receiving a clean, fit for purpose approval such that the development can be undertaken with certainty and in accordance with expectations.
Advertising Devices & Applications
Some advertising signs, including roof signs, pylon and billboard freestanding signs, wall and façade, awning and projection signs, three-dimensional and flagpole signs, constitute Operational Works and therefore require a development approval prior to erection. This in turn requires analysis of the applicable Council planning scheme that regulates signs, and if on a State Controlled Road, analysis of State Government requirements that also regulate signs on State roads. CadCon is able to provide preliminary advice regarding a particular site and proposed sign prior to an applicant committing to a site. If the analysis proves positive, we can prepare and lodge a professional development application seeking the best possible approval.
Subdivision Concept Design
The design of subdivisions requires a complex array of inputs, including landform analysis, access, services, environmental consideration, future liveability considerations, construction cost and yield. It can be a critical component of due diligence analysis and raw land purchase decisions, particularly for infill development areas. Combining surveying and town planning expertise as CadCon does, together with extensive experience, delivers optimum subdivision design ensuring the best possible chances of a successful development.
Council & Government Liaison & Negotiation
Development applications can be very complex and involve many parties. The difference between a generic approval and one that has been issued further to exhaustive research, analysis, evidence presentation and liaison and negotiation with State and Council, can make or break a project from a build-ability and/or economic perspective. For this reason it is essential that experienced, expert-planning assistance is provided at these meetings or during the preparation of correspondence about the application.
Pre-lodgement meetings
Pre-lodgement meetings may be required with relevant Council authority to identify and address issues that are complex and could affect the viability of a development approval. CadCon encourages pre-lodgement meeting(s) before any formal applications are made for certain complex projects.